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Bylaw Modernization Grants

Housing on Hickory St.


The Vermont Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) had funding to grant to municipalities for land use, development, and zoning bylaw updates in support of a pedestrian-oriented development pattern that increase housing choice, affordability, and opportunity in areas planned in accordance with Vermont’s smart growth principles (24 V.S.A. §2791). 

This program is sunsetting, and will not accept applications in FY25. For future Bylaw updates, please apply to the Municipal Planning Grant Program.

Grant Closeout

To close your Bylaw Modernization Grant, please email Jenni Lavoie:

  • Reference Attachment B of your Grant Agreement.

Separately from the grant closeout, proposed and adopted bylaws must be submitted to DHCD as usual via our Municipal Plan and Bylaw Submission Page; adopted bylaws must include the Reporting Form. If you have any questions, please contact program staff.

2024 Bylaw Modernization Grant Recipients

2023 Bylaw Modernization Award Recipients

2022 Bylaw Modernization Award Recipients

BMG Annual Report