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We who Believe in Freedom, mural, Rutland, VT by LMNOPI, 2020
We Who Believe in Freedom, mural, Rutland, VT by LMNOPI, 2020

Current Initiatives

The Division of Community Planning and Revitalization provides tools, training, grants, and incentives for local leaders to plan and implement projects that support thriving, walkable communities. Here are some of our current initiatives:

Act 181 Affordable Housing Study: DHCD, the Land Access Opportunity Board (LAOB), the Vermont Housing Finance Agency (VHFA), and the Vermont Housing and Conservation Board (VHCB) submitted their Act 181 recommendations to increase the supply of affordable housing to the General Assembly.  The study group engaged extensively with stakeholders and focus groups and conducted a broad survey of over 750 Vermonters to gather ideas and suggestions for increasing affordable housing in and around downtowns and village centers.

While addressing the complexity Vermont’s Housing crisis within a six-month timeframe was challenging, the report outlines actionable recommendations that support DHCD’s housing bill. These include updates to Act 250, increased funding for housing programs, infrastructure, and the modernization of local bylaws and the appeals process, and exploring tax policy changes. View the report here.

Leahy Institute for Rural Partnership Grant: As part of the last year’s Designation 2050 program review and evaluation, stakeholders highlighted the need for more effective technical assistance to support rural communities. In response, DHCD partnered with UVM’s Center for Rural Studies to secure a $250,000 grant from the Leahy Institute for Rural Partnerships. This initiative aims to strengthen Vermont's rural technical assistance ecosystem by leveraging UVM’s students and faculty to study successful models in other states and improve collaboration, communication, and governance among Vermont’s training and service providers.

The project will kick off with a meeting of the Advisory Committee, which includes key partners such as the Preservation Trust of Vermont, the Land Access Opportunity Board, the Vermont Housing and Conservation Board, Vermont’s Regional Planning Commissions, the Vermont League of Cities and Towns, the Vermont Council on Rural Development, and USDA Rural Development. Following an inventory of successful models, the team will host regional listening sessions to gather insights, amplify rural challenges and opportunities, and build collaboration among stakeholders.

The initiative will culminate in a fall summit to present and refine recommendations for legislative action. These final recommendations will be submitted to the General Assembly, as required by Act 181, aimed at helping Vermont’s rural communities thrive.