Every U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) assisted project must complete an Environmental Review (ER). The purpose of the ER is to assess the impacts of the project on the environment and the impacts of the environment on the project; involve the public in the decision-making process; and make better-informed decisions. The ER indicates compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), and all other local, state, and federal associated laws and authorities triggered by the HUD Part 58 ER.
Suggested Documents to Review BEFORE Beginning the Environmental Review Process
- Environmental Review Steps FAQ's (pdf)
- Environmental Review Overview Webinar (YouTube)
- Environmental Review Process Memo (pdf) - New Guidance to allow going out to bid prior to the ER Release.
Level of Environmental Review Selection
Checklists Required for Each Level of Review
**Please Note: Checklists are also avilable in GEARS
- Exempt Checklist (doc)
- Categorically Excluded Checklist (doc)
- Assessment Checklist (doc)
Option Agreements
Choice-limiting activities are prohibited prior to the completion of the ER. Signing an Option Agreement that allows the purchaser to elect to terminate the Option Agreement if the subject property is not desirable is an activity that is allowed prior to receiving the Environmental Release.
- HUD’s Option Agreement Guidance (pdf)
- Sample Option Agreement (docx)
Resources for Completing an Environmental Review
- Tips for a Successful Environmental Review (pdf)
- Environmental Review Compliance Guidance and Statutory Checklist Requirements (pdf)
- Environmental Assessment Questions (pdf)
- Environmental Consultant List (pdf)
- HUD Green Book (pdf)
- HUD Toxic Sites Compliance Overview Webinar Slides 2022 (pdf)
Historic Preservation
- Tips for a Successful Section 106 Review (pdf)
- Historic Preservation Preliminary Review Form (docx)
- VCDP Architectural and Archaeologist Consultant List (pdf)
- ACCD and SHPO Programmatic Agreement (pdf)
- Environmental Review Section 106 Process for Implementation Grants (Flow Chart) (pdf)
- Environmental Review Section 106 Process for Planning Grants (Flow Chart) (pdf)
- Citizen's Guide to Section 106 Review
Step-By-Step Guidance for Creating Required Supporting Documentation:
- Federal Flood Risk Support Tool
- How to Make a Wetlands Map (pdf)
- How to Request an Official Species List (pdf)
- How to Create a Soils Map (pdf)
- How to Make a NEPAssist Report (pdf)
- How to Calculate Noise Levels (pdf)
- How to Create an Environmental Justice SCREEN Report (pdf)
- Site Contamination Due Diligence (pdf)
Floodplain Management
In general if the project is in the 500 year or Federal Flood Risk Management Standard (FFRMS) floodplain, the 8 step decision making process must be completed after the project design is sufficiently developed. Building in the FFRMS is strongly discouraged by HUD. If the project is located in the floodway, and the activity is not a functionally dependent use (such as a bridge, marina, culvert, or streambank restoration), the project is ineligible for HUD funding.
- VCDP FFRMS 8-Step Guidance (pdf)
- HUD FFRMS 8-Step Process (pdf)
- Evacuation Plan Model (pdf)
- FFRMS Notification of Floodplain Hazard - Owners/Buyers/Developers
- FFRMS Notification of Floodplain Hazard - Conveyance Disposition of Multifamily Properties
Tiered Environmental Reviews (For Scattered Site Projects Only)
A Tiered Environmental Review is appropriate for projects that include unidentified locations.
Public Notices
Templates for Public Notices that are required during the Environmental Review Process are available in Intelligrants. Always consult the Environmental Office before publication of any Public Notice.
Additional Resources
For additional details and resources, please visit the HUD Exchange and HUD WISER Webinars.