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Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Consolidated Plan

Vermont TownInformation about Vermont's housing and community development priorities can be found in the HUD Consolidated Plan. The plan constitutes the State's application for approximately $11 million provided annually to the state by HUD's Office of Community Planning and Development for the Community Development Block Grants (CBDG), Home Investment Partnerships Program (HOME), and Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG), and $3 million from the National Housing Trust Fund (HTF). The plan covers a five-year period and is updated annually. 

The priority needs identified in the plan are based on an extensive housing needs assessment, market analysis, and citizen and stakeholder input. The plan establishes goals for meeting these needs over a five-year period that reflect anticipated resources and past performance. Each goal is accompanied by an estimate of resources that will be used to meet it as well as outcome indicators that will be used to evaluate the State’s performance.

At the end of each program year the state is required to submit a Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) to HUD reporting on the outcomes indicated on that year's Consolidated Plan or Annual Action Plan.  The CAPER reports can be found below under its program year.

2020-2024 Consolidated Plan

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the Department of Housing and Urban Development has been updating guidance on how resources made available through the federal CARES Act should be incorporated into Fiscal Year 2019 and 2020 Annual Action Plans. The State's 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan and 2020 Action Plan, and CARES Act Amendment for the 2019 Plan are available below.

2020-2024 Consolidated Plan (Includes 2020 Annual Action Plan)

2024 Program Year

The 2024 program year will cover the time period July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025. For information about the Advisory Board and public hearings see Citizen Participation. Vermont's allocations for the upcoming program year are:

Community Development Block Grant (CDBG):  $7,461,397.00
CDBG Recovery Housing Program (RHP):  $1,118,666.00
Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG):  $705,905.00
HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME):  $3,000,000.00
Housing Trust Fund (HTF):  $3,144,833.37

Draft 2024 Vermont Annual Action Plan - published for comment March 19, 2024

2024 Housing Trust Fund Allocation Plan 

Vermont HOP Standards for Provision of Assistance SFY 25

VCDP Table of Program Income and Local RLFs

2023 Program Year

The 2023 program year covers the time period July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024. 

2023 Vermont Annual Action Plan 

See Citizen Participation for notes from the Consolidated Plan Advisory Board and Public Hearings.

2022 Program Year

The 2022 program year covered the time period July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023. 

FY22 Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report (CAPER) 

2022 Annual Action Plan 

2022 Vermont Housing Trust Fund Allocation Plan

SFY23 Vermont HOP Standards for Provision for Assistance

Vermont HOME-ARP Allocation Plan - Approved by HUD 3/28/2022

2021 Program Year

The 2021 program year covered the time period July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022.

FY21 Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report (CAPER)

2021 Annual Action Plan 

2021 Vermont National Housing Trust Fund Plan

Vermont HOP/ESG Standards of Provision of Assistance State Fiscal Year 2022

2020 Program Year

FY20 Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report (CAPER)

2020 Vermont National Housing Trust Fund Allocation Plan

2019 Annual Action Plan w/CARES Amendments

CARES Act 7th Amendment - Administrative
CARES Act 6th Amendment - Administrative
CARES Act 5th Amendment - Administrative 
CARES Act 4th Amendment for 2019 Action Plan
CARES Act 3rd Amendment for 2019 Action Plan
CARES Act 2nd Amendment for 2019 Action Plan
CARES Act 1st Amendment for 2019 Action Plan

The State received $2,591,853 in CDBG-CV3 funds from HUD to assist with the COVID 19 pandemic. The CARES Act 3rd Amendment for 2019 Action Plan indicates how the State intends on utilizing the funding.  

The State received $2,031,600 in CDBG-CV2 funds and $4,424,450 in ESG-CV2 funds from HUD to assist with the COVID 19 pandemic. The CARES Act 2nd Amendment for 2019 Action Plan indicates how the State intends on utilizing the funding.  

The State received $4,256,840 in CDBG-CV1 funds and $2,334,607 in ESG-CV1 funds from HUD to assist with the COVID 19 pandemic. The CARES Act 1st Amendment for 2019 Action Plan indicates how the State intends on utilizing the funding. 

FY19 Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report (CAPER)

2019 Action Plan 

2019 Vermont National Housing Trust Fund Allocation Plan

Vermont HOP/ESG Standards of Provision of Assistance State Fiscal Year 2020

Local Program Income and Revolving Funds

2015 - 2019 HUD Consolidated Plan 

City of Burlington Consolidated Plan

The City of Burlington receives its own CDBG and HOME grants from HUD. For information on Burlington's Consolidated Plan please visit the Burlington Community and Economic Development Office.