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Community Investment Board

The Community Investment Board (formerly the Downtown Development Board) administers the state designation programs that target training and technical assistance, grants, tax credits, and permit relief. These programs empower state and local leaders to plan for and build vibrant, inclusive communities. The members of the Board represent a variety of state agencies, organizations, and communities.

Act 181 of 2024, updates the program to align with local and regional plans, make the program more accessible for lower-capacity communities, streamline administration to save time and cost, and simplify the designation requirements and benefits. It also expands board membership to increase focus on infrastructure investments and justice by adding representatives from the Vermont Bond Bank, Vermont Treasurer, Regional Development Corporations, and a member designated by the State Director of Racial Equity.

The program and board will continue to extend place-based benefits to sustain and revitalize communities through smart growth, historic preservation, equity of opportunity, and climate resilience.

Board Members

  • Alex Farrell (Chair), designated by the Secretary of Commerce and Community Development
  • Michele Boomhower (vice-chair), designated by the Secretary of Transportation
  • Charlie Baker, designated by the Vermont Association of Planning and Development Agencies
  • Bruce Cheeseman, appointed by the Governor, representing local government
  • Billy Coster, designated by the Secretary of Natural Resources
  • Cathy Davis, appointed by the Governor, representing the VT Association of Chamber Executives
  • Michael Desrochers, designated by the Commissioner of Public Safety
  • Sarah Hadd, designated by the Vermont League of Cities and Towns
  • Adam Grinold, designated by the Regional Development Corporations
  • vacant, designated by the Office of Racial Equity
  • Mike Pieciak, State Treasurer
  • Michael Gaughan, designated by the Vermont Bond Bank
  • Jaime Lee, appointed by the Governor, representing the Vermont Natural Resources Council and the Preservation Trust of Vermont
  • Michael McDonough, appointed by the Governor, representing local government
  • Chip Sawyer, designated by the Vermont Planners Association
  • Laura Trieschmann, State Historic Preservation Officer

Next Downtown Board Meeting 

July 22, 2024 @ 1:00PM - 4:00PM

Virtual Meeting 

To digitally join the meeting, click here.
Meeting ID:268338820601
Passcode: CaEsD3

To join the meeting via audio (phone) only,
Conference ID: 905515283#

Meeting Minutes 
Directions to National Life 
Parking at National Life