The State of Vermont Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice is a report required by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The Analysis of Impediments seeks to identify the various factors that may adversely affect fair housing choice in Vermont and outlines an action plan to overcome these barriers. This report provides detailed information on fair housing legislative achievements, population and housing trends, fair housing complaints, and strategies to combat impediments to fair housing. This analysis is conducted every five years in connection with the State's programs funded by HUD.
***Below is the 2022 Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing update. The State of Vermont is in the process of developing a comprehensive Analysis with the intention of publishing the comprehensive document in early 2024.***
2022 Analysis of Impediments
The 2022 Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing (AI) is the 5-year update focusing on the progress that has been made on the action items outlined in the 2017 AI. This document was published in October 2022. A comprehensive AI is planned for early 2024, and outreach to community members and partners is currently ongoing.
Past Reports
2017 Analysis of Impediments
In April of 2017 the 5-year update to the Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing was finalized and published. This document is designed to draw on the 2012 Analysis with updates to pertinent sections.
2012 Analysis of Impediments
Final AI April 2012 (pdf - 7.4 MB)
Errata Sheet 3-25-2013 (pdf - 2.7 MB)
This corrects information on page 26 and subsequent maps in the final Analysis of Impediments related to areas of racial and/or ethnic concentration.