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Historic Preservation and Archaeology Consultants Lists

Wish to be Added to the Vermont Consultant List?
If you are interested in being added to the consultant lists for archaeology or architecture/history, please complete the form below and send to

Form for Archaeologists
Form for Historians & Architectural Historians

The Vermont Division for Historic Preservation maintains lists of Archaeology and Historic Preservation consultants who have met the Secretary of the Interior's Professional Qualifications Standards (36 CFR Part 61). The qualifications define minimum education and experience required to perform identification, evaluation, registration, and treatment activities in Vermont. The consultants attend annual training. 

History & Architectural Consultants

Archaeology Consultants

This is not a listing of all individuals or firms qualified as professionals in the disciplines outlined in the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for professional qualifications and does not constitute an endorsement of any listed individual or consulting firm by the Vermont Division for Historic Preservation.

Vermont Community Development Approved Consultants List

The Vermont Division for Historic Preservation in collaboration with the Vermont Community Development Program maintains lists of Approved Archaeology and Historic Preservation consultants. Approved consultants meet the federal professional qualification requirements for one or more of the seven fields identified in the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards (36 CFR Part 61) and have been accepted to conduct Section 106 compliance reviews for projects using funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) as part of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program.

Vermont Community Development Approved Consultants

To qualify for the Approved Consultant List, a consultant must meet the Professional Qualifications (36 CFR Part 61) and have five or more years of professional experience related to the rehabilitation of residential buildings and experience with the CDBG program and Section 106 review for HUD. The list is updated annually with a Request for Qualifications, review of resumes and writing samples, and interview if appropriate. Attendance at the annual Consultant Training and Community Development Program Training is mandatory.