Manufactured Home Improvement and Repair Program (MHIR) Deadlines
As of 3/17/25, applications for Home Repair, Infill, and Foundation Awards will be OPEN through May 15, 2025, depending on funding availability. Infill Projects that demolish and remove abandoned homes from vacant lots in parks will be prioritized for the 2025 round of funding.
Emergency Home Repair applications will remain open past the closing date for households facing immediate housing loss due to repair needs. These applications will be subject to additional review to determine eligibility.
Need help with your application?
- For assistance or questions about Home Repair application, please call CVOEO at: (802) 660-3455 ext. 204 or email
- For help with your Foundation application or Park Improvements/Infill application, call VSHA at: 802-828-2040 or
Manufactured homes* are an important source of affordable housing for over 7,000 households in Vermont. Many manufactured home parks and residents have been adversely impacted by the COVID pandemic and two consecutive summer floods. Through three distinct program areas, the Manufactured Home Improvement and Repair Program (MHIR) offers assistance to income-eligible mobile home parks and current and prospective mobile homeowners. These programs include:
- Park Improvements for Small-Scale Capital Infill to assist park owners with small-scale capital needs to infill vacant lots, demolition and removal of abandoned homes, and cover associated expenses up to $20,000 per lot.
- Home Repair Awards assist homeowners with covering the costs of repairing existing homes to prevent displacement and extend the life of the home.
- Manufactured Home Foundation Awards can help prospective and current homeowners to pay for a foundation and related expenses in preparation for siting a home, up to $15,000.
Who is eligible to apply?
- For-profit, non-profit and Co-Op Manufactured/Mobile Home Park Owners
- Project must prepare at least one (1) lot for infill.
- The Park must be listed in the Registry of Vermont Mobile Home Parks. If you believe you own a park that is not registered, please email
- Park Owner Application Portal Demo
- Mobile Home Owners who rent lot space in a Mobile Home Park
- Must be the owner’s primary residence.
- The home is in a State of Vermont registered Mobile Home Park.
*Note that under Vermont law, the terms mobile home and manufactured home are used interchangeably. For this program, we will use the term manufactured home.
Community Small-Scale Infill
Park Improvements through Small-Scale Capital Infill are available to owners of mobile home parks in Vermont (also known as manufactured home communities) to infill vacant or abandoned lots within the park. Park and park owner must be registered in the Registry of Vermont Mobile Home Parks to be eligible for the program. Owners can be awarded up to $20,000 per lot. However, parks applying to infill more than 2 lots will require an additional review process, with a maximum of 10 lots per park.
Eligible uses of Park Improvements through Small-Scale Capital Infill funds include:
- Disposal of abandoned homes;
- Lot clearing, grading, or preparation;
- Site electrical box issues/upgrades;
- E911 safety issues;
- Legal fees;
- Transporting homes out of flood zones;
- For transporting homes out of flood zones, construction of a manufactured home pad or fuel tank pad, if necessary or required by regulation.
- Individual septic systems;
- Construction of utility improvements such as those for water supply, electricity, telephone, cable television, and gas*;
- Payment of municipal fees such as school impact fees and sewer connection charges; and
- Marketing to help make it easier for home-seekers to find vacant lots around the State.
Work may not start until the application is approved.
To find the MHIR application go to VSHA’s website.
To learn more about applying for Infill Awards, watch our April 2023 MHIR Park Owner Webinar.
Manufactured Home Repair
Manufactured Home Repair Awards are available to home owners of mobile homes in a mobile home park (also known as manufactured home communities).
To be eligible for this program, the manufactured home must:
- Be the applicant’s primary residence located in Vermont;
- Be in a Mobile Home Park listed in the Registry of Vermont Mobile Home Parks; and
- Must be owned by the applicant.
Tier 1: Awards up to $5,000 will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis to households that meet all eligibility criteria.
Tier 2: Awards greater than $5,000 are limited and will require additional review and will be awarded based on the evaluation criteria included in the application.
Eligible uses of Manufactured Home Repair Funds
Project costs related to manufactured home repairs (such as minor rehab or accessibility projects where the home is otherwise in good condition or in situations where the owner is unable to replace the home and the repair will keep them housed) may include:
- Roof repairs;
- Stairs, ramps, railings, and roofs for accessibility needs;
- Heating system repairs;
- Repairs to walls, ceilings, floors, siding, or skirting;
- Repairs to floors or sub-floors to address structural hazards;
- Hot water system repairs;
- Repairs to rectify code violations (electrical safety);
- Preparation for weatherization; and
- Plumbing and associated damage from leaks.
Ineligible uses of Manufactured Home Repair Funds
- Upgrades to equipment, appliances, windows, doors, siding, etc.
- Decorative refurbishments or improvements
- Repairs to homes that are not located in a Vermont Mobile Home Park
- New foundations or slabs under an existing home
To find the MHIR Application for Home Owners check out VSHA's website.
Need help with your application?
For assistance or questions about a Home Repair application, please call CVOEO at: (802) 660-3455 ext. 204 or email
Emergency Manufactured Home Repair Program
The Emergency Manufactured Home Repair Program will remain open for applications after the closing of the standard Home Repair application period until funds are no longer available.
The MHIR Emergency Home Repair Awards assist homeowners in mobile home parks facing immediate health and safety risks or crises. This award helps with urgent repairs needed immediately to keep residents safely housed. Emergency applications will be prioritized over standard applications during the open application period.
You may qualify for an Emergency Home Repair project if you are at risk of immediate loss of housing due to a home repair need, such as complete loss of heat, drinking water, or electricity, or other severe damage. This may include damage caused by a declared natural disaster or damage that breaches the shell of the home.
The manufactured home must also:
- Be the applicant’s primary residence located in Vermont;
- Be in a Mobile Home Park listed in the Registry of Vermont Mobile Home Parks and;
- Be owned by the applicant.
To Apply for a MHIR Emergency Home Repair Award
Complete the application and upload supporting documentation through the online portal (ReFrame), which can be found here.
Paper applications can be made available on request by contacting CVOEO at: (802) 660-3455 ext. 204 or The application can be submitted by email to or by mailing to:
CVOEO – Mobile Home Program
255 South Champlain Street
P.O. Box 1603
Burlington, Vermont 05402
Need help with your application?
For assistance or questions about an Emergency Home Repair application, please call CVOEO at: (802) 660-3455 ext. 204 or email
Manufactured Home Foundations
Manufactured Home Foundation Awards are available to prospective and current homeowners of manufactured homes in a park. Eligible applicants can receive up to $15,000 to cover costs related to installing a new permanent foundation or HUD-approved slab on a vacant lot.
Additional program requirements:
- The home must be the primary residence of the homeowner.
- Slabs must be HUD-approved for new manufactured homes.
- Homeowners are responsible for meeting local regulations and home loan requirements.
- The home must be located within a Mobile Home Park listed in the Registry of Vermont Mobile Home Parks.
Eligible uses of Manufactured Home Foundation funds include:
- Site preparation;
- Skirting;
- Tie-downs; and
- Utility connections.
Foundation grants will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis for households that meet all eligibility criteria. Applications are rolling until May 15, 2025, or until funds are exhausted, whichever occurs first. Work may not start until the application is approved.
To find the MHIR application for Home Owners check out VSHA’s website.
To learn more about applying for Foundation or Home Repair Awards, watch our April 2023 MHIR Homeowner Webinar.
Need help with your application?
For help with your Foundation program or Park Improvements/Infill application, call VSHA at: 802-828-2040 or
Related Resources
A useful list of contractors can be found on the Efficiency Vermont Website
You may also be eligible for the Weatherization Assistance Program
For homes with lead-based paint or asbestos-containing materials, visit the Vermont Department of Health Website for procedures
For more information about mold in homes, visit the Vermont Department of Health Website
For more information on flood mitigation, contact the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) or the Department of Public Safety – Vermont Emergency Management:
- Floodplain Managers - Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation Floodplain Managers
- State Hazard Mitigation Officer - Vermont Emergency Management Staff
Contact Us
For inquiries, or to learn more about the MHIR program, contact the Vermont State Housing Authority (VSHA) at 802-828-2040 or
For program questions or assistance with Infill or Foundation Awards, contact VSHA at:
For Home Repair Award application assistance, contact CVOEO’s Mobile Home Program at: (802) 660-3455 ext. 204.
For other questions or concerns, contact DHCD at: