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Municipal Plan and Bylaw Submissions

Submissions to DHCD

For sending Plans and Bylaws to the Commissioner of the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD), only electronic submissions will be accepted. Please utilize the following instructions by type of document being submitted.

All proposed/adopted Municipal Plan/Bylaw submissions must use the online submission and reporting tool below.


Municipal Plans:

Please submit PDF documents only. 

Proposed Municipal Plan submissions must include the following:

  • Public Hearing Notice
  • Draft Municipal Plan

Adopted Municipal Plan Submissions must include the following:

  • Adopted Municipal Plan

Municipal Bylaws: Please note, the reporting form linked is intended to be downloaded and completed locally to upload via the online submission tool.

Please submit PDF documents only. 

Proposed Municipal Bylaw submissions must include the following:

  • Public Hearing Notice
  • Proposal Report (using our Reporting Form OR in the Planning Commission’s preferred format; for more information, please see 24 VSA § 4441. Some Planning Commissions find it easier to start with this form, then update when Bylaws are adopted.)
  • Draft Bylaw

Adopted Municipal Bylaw submission must include the following:

  • Reporting Form Indicating Compliance with S.100 (HOME Act) Statutory Language (required form)
  • Adopted Bylaw
  • GIS Files (if data layers were changed or created)

All adopted Municipal Plans and Bylaws must also be submitted to the RPC.

The electronic plans and bylaws municipalities sent to DHCD contribute to a useful and ever-growing plan and bylaw database.  See instructions for navigating the database.

If you do not have a full version of Acrobat software, you can use this online tool to merge pdfs for free; on MacOS, you can use Preview to combine files.

When the plan, bylaw or amendment is adopted, submit to DHCD as required in 24 V.S.A. § 4445 and make sure your Regional Planning Commission has a copy as well. Also make the plan or bylaw available to the public in the town clerk’s office and post it on the municipal website (if applicable).


This information is provided by the municipality or RPC, respectively to the database/center, and has not been validated for accuracy by the DHCD.  DHCD serves as the data manager and makes local/regional submissions publicly available.