The Vermont Village Greens Initiative is restoring appreciation for village greens and raising awareness about the important cultural and economic role they play. Vermont’s village greens (and commons) serve as the physical, historic and cultural heart of many communities, hosting concerts, fairs, parades, seasonal festivals and farmers markets. Integral to the Vermont brand and quality of life, village greens provide residents and visitors with a place to gather, exercise, recreate, celebrate, and engage in commerce and community. To promote re-investment and awareness in Vermont’s village greens, the state, non-profit and local partners are working to document, showcase, and revitalize these shared public spaces for future generations.
DHCD recently identified and documented the 148 village greens across Vermont. Additional resources include a complete list of Vermont Village Greens an interactive map on ANR Natural Resource Atlas and a list of funding opportunities to improve village greens.
Danville Case Study - Tells the story of Danville's revitalization efforts
Village Green Maps - 148 maps of each of the village greens across Vermont
Village Green Historic Context - Research and historic context for Vermont Village Greens
Project Partners
Vermont Urban and Community Forestry Program (ANR), the Preservation Trust of Vermont and the UVM Community Based Learning Program.