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Large conference meeting - many small circular tables - presenter upfront

Events, Trainings, and Workshops

The Department of Housing and Community Development hosts workshops for the public, municipal officials, realtors, lenders, affordable housing developers, and property managers. The Department regularly hosts Fair Housing Workshops, which are required for all municipalities receiving community development grants from the Vermont Community Development Program  (see below for more information). 

Fair Housing Workshops

Removing Barriers to Strengthen Communities: Affordable Housing and Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing at the Local Level.

This workshop provides relevant information to municipal officials, realtors, lenders, affordable housing developers, and property managers. This workshop will:

  • Provide an introduction to Vermont and federal fair housing laws;
  • Discuss the current barriers to fair housing choice in Vermont;
  • Examine the legal requirements impacting municipal zoning practices;
  • Review tools that enable municipalities to comply with those requirements; and
  • Explore planning concepts that encourage the development of affordable housing. 

All municipalities receiving community development grants from the Vermont Community Development Program must complete a Fair Housing Training as a condition of funding. Any municipality dealing with issues such as affordable housing, group homes, residential care facilities, requests for accessibility modifications, or seeking VCDP funding, cannot afford to miss this workshop. See the VCDP Fair Housing Training Policy.

All Fair Housing Trainings are free and open to the public.

Any inquiries can be sent to Shaun Gilpin at

Fair Housing Workshop Dates & Login Information

Upcoming: TBD