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Vermont Advisory Council on Historic Preservation

Foster Bridge, CabotThe Vermont Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) is a seven-member state review board, appointed by the Governor. The ACHP, created by the Vermont Historic Preservation Act, augments the efforts of the Vermont Division for Historic Preservation (VDHP) and serves as the State Review Board as required by the National Historic Preservation Act. Four members of the ACHP shall be recognized professionals in the disciplines of architecture, history, architectural history, and archeology. Three members shall represent the public. Council members are appointed to three-year renewable terms. The State Historic Preservation Officer serves as the staff person to the ACHP. 

By Statute, the members are charged with approving nominations to the State Register of Historic Places, reviewing nominations for the National Register of Historic Places, assessing of the survey documentation for historic properties, approving the Predictive Model for archaeologically sensitive areas; annually evaluating the activities of VDHP outlined in State Historic Preservation Plan, recommending projects seeking state and federal grant funding, and providing consultation on state and federal undertakings that may affect historic properties. Some of these activities have been delegated to the staff of VDHP.

Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Bylaws

 Britta Tonn, Architectural Historian   


Paul Carnahan, Historian


 Paul Wyncoop, Citizen Member


 Joseph Luneau, Citizen Member


 Dave Skinas, Archaeologist


 Edward Clark, Citizen Member, Chair


 Ann Vivian, Architect

















The ACHP must meet at least three times a year. The ACHP meets on Thursday every third full week of the month, unless otherwise specified. There are no meetings in August; December meetings are the second full week of the month.  

Meetings are held virtually and in Montpelier unless otherwise noted. Public is welcome to attend. 

Meeting Agendas & Minutes

The ACHP's next meeting will be held on
Thursday, January 23, 2024 

Future Meeting Dates

January 23, 2025
February 20, 2025
March 20, 2025 (Annual Meeting)
April 24, 2025
May 22, 2025
June 19, 2025
July 24, 2025
September 25, 2025
October 23, 2025
November 20, 2025
December 18, 2025


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