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Think Vermont Grants for Relocation Outreach Work (GROW) Program


About the Program 

This program is currently closed.

The Think Vermont Grants for Relocation Outreach Work (GROW) Program is intended to provide grant funding to enable local, regional, county-wide, or state-wide organizations to conduct relocation, recruitment, and retention activities in order to encourage and support new residents relocating to Vermont. To be eligible for this funding, grantees must provide relocation services on behalf of their region or affinity group and collaborate with other organizations to optimize the success of relocation and retention efforts and activities. Relocation and retention efforts must be designed to reach and serve a broad audience, including underrepresented communities and new and diverse residents. 

Program Goals 

Grant funds are intended to formalize a regional relocation network and increase capacity for relocation and outreach activities for either a specific region or state-wide, based on the audience served by the grant applicant. Grants will be distributed across the State with no more than one grantee providing services for any given town or affinity group. Grants will be given for a two-year period. Grantees will be required to submit monthly reports and deliverables specific to their approved scope of work, as well as a work plan check-in meeting at the end of year one to make any adjustments as necessary in their activities to meet program goals.   

Eligible Grant Activities 

There will be two grant tracks. Applicants can apply for one or both tracks.  

1. Regional Relocation Network Track: Approved activities for this track must complement and support the State’s lead generation and distribution system via the Connect with a Vermonter form on As part of this track, applicants must be committed to receiving and nurturing leads received through the Connect with a Vermonter program. Applicants will be expected to have in place or develop a formal process to track all leads received and report on the status of all leads and support activities provided (calls, referrals, emails, etc.) on a regular basis. Eligible grant activities may include, but are not limited to: 

  • Building a 1:1 “concierge-level” program to provide personalized relocation and retention support to individuals. This may include introductions and referrals to other regional service providers such as realtors, childcare providers, employers, community organizations, educational institutions, etc. 
  • Building partnerships with employers and/or the Department of Labor regional field offices to help match potential residents with current job openings. 
  • Building collaborations with the Vermont Welcome Wagon, Young Professionals networks, or other similar relocation organizations to connect potential new residents with community members or other local resources to aid their relocation efforts.  
  • Developing tools to manage, track and report on the status of individual leads and employer or community referrals.  
  • Creating a central resource or physical packet of relocation information for a grantee’s region which highlights common services, employers, and other regional assets.

2. Outreach Track: Approved activities for this track can complement the Network track activities or be standalone activities that support the program goals.  As part of this track, applicants must be committed to organizing events and/or conducting activities that promote the region to new residents and help new residents feel welcome in their new community. Eligible grant activities may include, but are not limited to: 

  • Events that target recently relocated families and individuals and aim to welcome and support their relocation, such as events that pair new residents with established residents.  
  • Events for potential residents to support their relocation to Vermont such as, providing opportunities to meet community members and/or employers.  
  • The creation of marketing assets (e.g., photography, videos and/or printed collateral) that will be used to promote the region. The state has a strong preference for Think Vermont social channels and to be included as part of a campaign. 
  • Investments into the digital presence of a region, including websites or other owned channels (social media, email marketing, etc.) that support outreach and provide information about the relocation and retention programs and activities.  

Eligible Applicants 

  • Eligible applicants include chambers of commerce, regional development corporations, downtown organizations, economic development/community development departments or organizations, resident retention networks, LGBTQ+ and/or BIPOC affinity groups, or other similar groups.  
  • Applicants must be headquartered or have an office in Vermont.  
  • Applicants must be able to provide relocation, retention, outreach, or other similar services as described in the Eligible Grant Activities.  
  • Applicants must be committed to developing and maintaining a formal process to track activities and outcomes. This may include but is not limited to, follow up activities (such as virtual meet ups, phone calls, etc.,) with individual leads generated by the State via that have expressed an interest in their identified region or service, or participation in events or community connections activities. 

Geographic Service Areas 

In order to avoid the duplication of efforts and provide clear areas of responsibility, applicants for the Regional Relocation Network Track will be asked to specifically define the geographic area they will represent and be able to service. Ideally the service areas of network participants will follow county boundaries. In instances where one organization can service an entire county, a maximum of one organization per county will be funded for Regional Relocation Network Track activities. Any scenarios where the geographic services areas proposed by applicants do not follow county boundaries will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.   

Applicants for the Outreach track will also be asked to define the geographic area they will represent and be able to service. Ideally service areas would again follow county boundaries. However, more than one organization may be approved to service a given county as long as the organizations are representing different and distinct affinity groups and/or are offering services that do not conflict with or duplicate those provided by another applicant.  

Outcomes and Reporting Requirements 

Regular reporting must be submitted which summarizes the outcomes from grant-funded activities, including measurable results, tasks completed, any specific deliverables, documentation of expenses, and the amount of funds leveraged from other participating entities.   

Proposed projects for the Regional Relocation Network Track must provide a detailed description of how the required outcomes for this program will be tracked. Reporting will be required on a monthly basis, including, at a minimum, the following metrics:  

  • The number of people contacted directly and the manner of contact (phone, email, etc.).  
  • The number of people the organization has provided personalized relocation information to via 1:1 concierge services, and the total number of touchpoints per individual contact. This may include, as an example, 1:1 video or phone calls, group video calls, and/or emails.  
  • The number of people the organization has worked with that have completed their relocation to Vermont and where they relocated to.  
  • The number of community connections(e.g., schools, realtors, community service organizations, etc.) facilitated by the organization.  
  • The number of candidates connected to employers, and the number of employers (including the economic sector of those employers, that were sent referrals.
  • Feedback received from potential residents on why they decided not to move to Vermont, if applicable.

Proposed projects for the Outreach track must provide a detailed description of how the required outcomes for this program will be tracked. Reporting will be required on a monthly basis, including, at a minimum, the following metrics: 

  • The number of events held, and/or number and nature of outreach activities performed. 
  • The number of people attending a retention event, where they moved from, and when they moved to Vermont. 
  • The number of people attending a recruitment/relocation event, where they are moving from, and when they hope to move to Vermont. 
  • The number of impressions/ clicks/ views or other engagement metrics for marketing-related activities.   

Grantees shall provide the State perpetual, non-exclusive, free of charge, right to use, for State purposes only, work products created with the assistance of State funds under this grant agreement.  

At the end of the first year of the grant, all grantees will be expected to meet with the Vermont Department of Tourism and Marketing (VDTM) to talk through work plan adjustments and any changes that the grantee or the State would like to make for the second year of the grant.   

Grantees must be willing to share project details, including successes and challenges, which may be shared with the Legislature and the media.  

Funding Considerations and Requirements 

Total funds available (for 2024-25 grant term): $1.3 million 

Minimum grant request per applicant: $50,000 

Maximum grant request per applicant: $150,000  

Applicants are not required to provide any matching funds in the grant request. Grant funds may be used for staff time associated with relocation, recruitment and retention, and outreach activities.  

In an effort to fund as many regions and organizations as possible, partial funding may be awarded.  

Grantees will be required to provide VDTM with invoices and/or other documentation to show how grant funds were expended at the end of each year-long cycle.  

Proposal Requirements 

Proposals for the Regional Relocation Network Track must include the following elements: 

  • Amount of funding requested (specifically for Regional Relocation Network Track activities). A minimum of $50,000 and a maximum $150,000 in grant funds may be allocated per applicant for the two-year grant term for all activities (one or both tracks).  
  • Project Overview (brief summary of proposed project).  
  • Project Details. In addition to any other proposed activities, proposals must describe the process for follow up and nurturing of leads received through the Connect with a Vermonter intake form. (Also include if the project activity proposed is a one-time activity or ongoing throughout the term of the grant). 
  • Community Partnerships. Proposals must detail how grant applicants will collaborate with community partners to strengthen the proposed activities. 
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Proposals must describe actions that will be taken to make a diverse group of prospective residents feel welcomed and wanted in your community. 
  • Tracking: Proposals must provide a detailed description of how outcomes for the project will be tracked.  

Proposals for the Outreach Track must include the following elements: 

  • Amount of funding requested (specifically for Outreach Track activities). A minimum of $50,000 and a maximum $150,000 in grant funds may be allocated per applicant for the two-year grant term for all activities (one or both tracks).  
  • Project Details: In addition to details on proposed activities, proposals must note if the activities are designed for recently relocated residents or for not yet relocated potential Vermonters. (Also include if the project activity proposed is a one-time activity or ongoing throughout the term of the grant). 
  • Community Partnerships: Proposals must detail how grant applicants will collaborate with community partners to strengthen the proposed activities. 
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Proposals must describe actions that will be taken to make a diverse group of prospective (or recently re-located) residents feel welcomed and wanted in your community.  
  • Tracking: Proposals must provide a detailed description of how outcomes for the project will be tracked.  

Evaluation Criteria 

Priority consideration will be given to: 

  • Proposals that demonstrate partnerships and collaboration to strengthen a region as a relocation destination. 
  • Proposals that demonstrate partnerships and collaboration to strengthen or provide a network of support for an affinity group. 
  • Proposals that are made jointly by a combination of eligible applicants. 
  • Proposals that include projects that are replicable and scalable in their work plan.  
  • Existing partners that are currently part of the Connect with a Vermonter program via  

Application Instructions 

Applicants must complete a General Application Form to begin the application process.  

Once the General Application is submitted, the grant applicant will receive an email (sent to the email address provided in the application) with a link to upload the following documents:  

  • Work Plan and Budget. If applying for both tracks, please include a Work Plan and Budget form for each track. 
  • A minimum of one, maximum of four, Letters of Support from partner organizations. 

The Work Plan and Budget Template should show how the grantee will use funding for either one-time projects or events, or for monthly expenses associated with their proposed activities. Even if costs are estimates, please be as detailed as possible when completing this form.   

Letters of Support are expected to articulate general support for the grant request. Support letters should demonstrate the nature of involvement with applicants and/or the community, and/or explain how the funding will help address a need or solve a problem. Content may include: 

  • Description of services or individuals that will benefit from applicants' work. 
  • Expression of interest in how the funding will benefit the community. 

Timeline & Application Process 

Deadline for applications is November 3, 2023. If grant monies are not fully expended, the application period may be reopened.  

Prior to receiving funding, successful applicants must sign a grant agreement with the Vermont Agency of Commerce and Community Development (ACCD) indicating their intent to complete the proposed project and authorizing ACCD to monitor progress.

The grant agreement will include provisions (terms and conditions) set by the State of Vermont, as well as any program-specific requirements.

Review Attachment C - Standard State Provisions for Contracts and Grants (revised 12/15/2017) for the most recent State of Vermont grant provisions. 

Prior to commencement of work and release of any payments, grantees must submit:  

  • A current IRS Form W-9 (Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification), signed by hand (not electronically) within the past six months.  
  • A certificate of insurance consistent with the requirements set forth in Attachment C of the grant agreement. 

Webinar Materials



For any questions, please contact:

Name: Vermont Department of Tourism and Marketing
Contact: Sara De Filippi
Phone: 802-272-2633

To receive this information in an alternative format or for other accessibility requests, please contact:

Name: Vermont Department of Tourism and Marketing
Contact: Shelley Pembroke
Phone: 802-522-4576

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