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Bidding Opportunities

The following are current or recent Requests for Proposal (RFPs) and Notices of Funds Available (NOFAs) issued by the Vermont Agency of Commerce and Community Development.

Please note: Please refer to an individual RFP or NOFA for contact information. Do not contact the Agency of Commerce and Community Development or one of its departments directly unless directed by the RFP/NOFA

RFP- Marketing Effectiveness Study

Through this Request for Proposal (RFP) the Agency of Commerce and Community Development, Department of Tourism and Marketing (hereinafter the “State”) intends to establish contracts with one or more companies that can provide a Marketing Effectiveness Study.


RFP - Vermont Homes for All Toolkit Phase 2 Small-Scale Developer Cohort Training

Through this Request for Proposal (RFP), the Agency of Commerce and Community Development, Department of Housing and Community Development (hereinafter the “State”) is seeking to establish contracts with one or more companies to develop a curriculum for and instruct a Small-Scale Developer Training Cohort (hereafter “Training Cohort”) for Accessory Dwelling Units and Missing Middle Homes.




RFP - Coolidge SHS Cleaning

Through this Request for Proposal (RFP) the Department of Housing and Community Development, Division for Historic Preservation (hereinafter the “State”) intends to establish contracts with one or more companies that can provide interior cleaning services at the President Calvin Coolidge State Historic Site in Plymouth Notch, Vermont. 

RFP Coolidge SHS Cleaning

RFP - Tourism Brand Study

Through this Request for Proposal (RFP) the Agency of Commerce and Community Development, Department of Tourism and Marketing (hereinafter the “State”) intends to establish contracts with one or more vendors to conduct a comprehensive destination marketing brand study for Vermont. The aim of the study is to evaluate the current characteristics, perceptions and effectiveness of State of Vermont's tourism brand as it relates to encouraging visitation to the destination. Results of the study will be used to inform brand positioning, and future identity development and destination marketing campaign development.




RFP - BIPOC Visitation Strategy

Through this Request for Proposal (RFP) the Department of Tourism and Marketing (hereinafter the “State”) intends to establish contracts with one or more companies to develop a visitation strategy informed by communities of color.  As part of a broader effort by the State to diversify Vermont’s visitor/tourism sector, this project endeavors to develop inclusive campaign strategies to effectively engage Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) travelers in Vermont’s cultural relevance and visitor experience.





RFP - First Lady Grace Coolidge's Piano Restoration


Through this Request for Proposal (RFP) the Division for Historic Preservation seeks proposals for the restoration of First Lady Grace Coolidge’s Baldwin model K piano, serial number 43252, which is located in the Museum and Education Center at the Calvin Coolidge State Historic Site in Plymouth, Vermont.


Bid Tab Sheet

RFP - Calvin Coolidge State Historic Site 2024 Exhibit Design

Through this Request for Proposal (RFP) the Vermont Division for Historic Preservation Historic Sites Program (hereinafter the “State”) intends to establish a contract with a business that can provide exhibit design, fabrication, and installation work at the Calvin Coolidge State Historic Site in Plymouth, Vermont.


Addendum 1 Questions & Answers

Supporting Document Exhibit Draft 

Bid Tab Sheet

RFP- Local Level Outdoor Recreation Economic Impact

Through this Request for Proposal (RFP), the Agency of Commerce and Community Development, Department of Tourism and Marketing (hereinafter the “State”) intends to establish contracts with one or more companies that can provide a complete an assessment of existing and missing data and information needed to determine the economic impact of outdoor recreation at the local/county level, develop an Outdoor Recreation Economic Impact Toolkit to be used in local communities, and pilot the toolkit in no more than five Vermont communities.


Questions & Answers Addendum 1

Clarification Question for Questions & Answers Addendum 1

Bid Tab Sheet