President Chester A. Arthur Birthday Party INVITATION
A party commemorating the 190th birthday of Vermont-born President Chester A. Arthur will be held at the President Chester A. Arthur State Historic Site in Fairfield, Vermont, on Saturday, October 5th from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The celebration is free and open to the public. Birthday cake will be served at 1:00 p.m.
Discover little-known facts about President Arthur by participating in the “Trail Treasure Hunt” laid out along the forest trails maintained by students and faculty from Fairfield Center School. Activities for children will include traditional 19th-century games, Chester Arthur paper dolls to cut out and decorate, and a not-so-traditional “Put Whiskers on President Arthur” competition. Party guests are asked to sign a giant birthday card. On display for this special day only will be several pieces of original ephemera related to Chester Arthur including a newly conserved Garfield-Arthur campaign poster. Visitors may also view the permanent exhibit on President Chester Arthur’s life and political career.
Call (802) 828-3051 for more information or visit www.HistoricSites.vermont.gov Join the Vermont State Historic Sites conversation on Facebook.
About the Division for Historic Preservation
The Vermont State Historic Sites are owned and operated by the Division for Historic Preservation, which is part of the Department of Housing and Community Development. The Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) works to support vibrant and resilient communities, promote safe and affordable housing for all, protect the state’s historic resources, and improve the quality of life for Vermonters.
About Agency of Commerce and Community Development
The mission of ACCD is to help Vermonters improve their quality of life and build strong communities. ACCD accomplishes this mission by providing grants, technical assistance, and advocacy through three divisions: The Department of Economic Development, the Department of Tourism and Marketing, and the Department of Housing and Community Development. For more information on ACCD please visit: accd.vermont.gov.