This web page is a resource for material related to the 2025 Omnibus Housing Bill called Pathway to Accelerating and Transforming Housing for Vermont (PATH for Vermont) which is designed to address Vermont's housing and infrastructure challenges. This page will be updated frequently, so please check back often. Once the PATH for Vermont bill has been assigned a number and published online, we will post a link to it here.
The Agency of Commerce and Community Development hosted a virtual Public Town Hall on Wednesday, January 29 to discuss PATH for Vermont. More than 130 guests joined Agency of Commerce and Community Development Deputy Secretary Tayt Brooks, Department of Housing and Community Development Commissioner Alex Farrell and Deputy Commissioner Nate Formalarie, and Department of Economic Development Commissioner Joan Goldstein for an overview of PATH for Vermont and took questions from the audience. A link to a recording of that virtual event and other materials are below.
Why do we need PATH for Vermont?
Vermont is in the throes of a serious housing crisis. The Department of Housing and Community Development has worked with VHFA to study the depth and breath of the problem. The results of that collaboration include:
2025 Vermont Housing Needs Assessment – a five year examination of statewide and county-based housing needs for the year 2029.
Statewide and Regional Housing Targets – a statewide and regional look at housing targets for the years 2030 and 2050.
Housing Development Dashboard – a map of the state showing what has been built, what is being built, and targets for the future.