Montpelier, Vt. – Governor Phil Scott and the Agency of Commerce & Community Development today announced that NuHarbor Security has been awarded a total of nearly $325,000 from the Vermont Training Program (VTP) and the Vermont Employment Growth Incentive (VEGI) program through the Department of Economic Development.
The $121,985 VTP grant will support online learning and hands-on training of new and existing employees at NuHarbor’s Vermont headquarters. Training will span a variety of skillsets and software, including Splunk, software used for searching, monitoring and analyzing machine data for security use cases.
The VEGI program provides performance-based cash incentives to Vermont businesses linked to future job and payroll creation and capital investment. NuHarbor will receive up to $202,644, paid out over the next nine years if annual performance targets are met and maintained. The value of each payment is determined by the net revenue return generated for the State.
“These training and incentive programs support growth of new and existing Vermont businesses while expanding our workforce and helping Vermonters expand their careers,” said Governor Scott. “Cybersecurity is an important sector and advancing the skills of employees at businesses like NuHarbor is critical to Vermont’s economic future.”
Since its inception in 2014, NuHarbor has experienced a steep growth trajectory, with high demand for its services and continuous job creation in Vermont.
“Cybersecurity is a moving target. Our employees need to stay up to date with current threats and data trends. Because of this, skills in other IT and tech jobs don’t always line up with the work we do. No matter their previous experience, we provide each new employee with at least three months of intensive training,” said NuHarbor Managing Director Justin Fimlaid. “Because of the Vermont Training Program and the Vermont Employment Growth Incentive, NuHarbor is expanding our workforce in Vermont: we’re moving to a larger office space and ramping up hiring.”
About NuHarbor Security
Many businesses in America struggle to secure their own organizations. NuHarbor exists to help secure all organizations and ease the complexity of cybersecurity. Working throughout the U.S. since 2014, NuHarbor helps clients design, implement and sustain Information Security, Compliance and Risk Management programs. Learn more about our services at nuharborsecurity.com.
About ACCD
The Vermont Agency of Commerce & Community Development’s (ACCD) mission is to help Vermonters improve their quality of life and build strong communities. ACCD accomplishes this mission by providing grants, technical assistance, and advocacy through three divisions: The Department of Economic Development, the Department of Tourism and Marketing, and the Department of Housing and Community Development. For more information on ACCD please visit: https://accd.vermont.gov/.