![Rendering of the renovated Albany General Store by David Koschak, Cushman Design Group](/vcgi/sites/accdnew/files/field/image/Albany-VT-General-Store-proposed-rendering.jpeg)
August 26, 2020
Contact: Nate Formalarie; Agency of Commerce and Community Development
(802) 522-7323 | nate.formalarie@vermont.gov
Albany Community Trust Awarded Brownfield Clean-Up Grant
Albany, VT - Albany Community Trust, Inc. has received $17,850 in grant funding from the State of Vermont’s Brownfield Initiative to remediate the former Albany General Store property.
The presently shuttered building has a 100 plus year history of operating as a general store. The closure was necessitated by an electrical fire in 2013. Lamoille County Planning Commission contributed to the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment and initial environmental investigation, including the removal of underground fuel storage tanks. Northeastern Vermont Development Association, and Department of Environmental Conservation - Petroleum Clean-Up Fund (PCF) contributed to site characterization, and the PCF will be used to clean up contamination from the former fueling station.
The Brownfield Initiative funding will support the removal of arsenic contaminated soils. The redevelopment envisions the reopening of the general store; the footprint of which will be expanded for community space. The Agency of Commerce and Community Development’s Revolving Loan Fund was capitalized, in part, by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
“Bringing life back to the general store is so important to this community,” said Hannah Pearce, president of the Albany Community Trust’s board of directors. “We are grateful for the assistance in evaluating and cleaning up the property.”
“Remediation and redevelopment of the this centrally located, multi-purpose gathering place will be transformative for this rural Vermont town,” said Kristie Farnham, Director of Business Support and Brownfield Program Manager. “We are pleased to support this pivotal Albany project.”
“VT DEC is looking forward to seeing the cleanup move forward as part of the revitalization of this property. The reopening of the Albany General Store will be a significant benefit to the community,” said Kim Caldwell, Environmental Analyst at Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation.
About Vermont Agency of Commerce and Community Development
The ACCD’s mission is to help Vermonters improve their quality of life and build strong communities. The ACCD is comprised of four Departments: The Department of Economic Development (DED), the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD), the Department of Administration, and the Department of Tourism and Marketing (VDTM). The Agency reports annually to the Legislature on activities and outcomes. For more information on the Vermont ACCD, visit http://accd.vermont.gov/.
About the Brownfields Initiative
ACCD’s brownfields program is funded, in part, through a grant from the EPA Brownfields Program. For more information on redevelopment of a brownfields site, please visit https://accd.vermont.gov/economic-development/funding-incentives/brownfields-initiative
About VTDEC Brownfields Program
The Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation (VTDEC) encourages brownfield reuse projects as a means of accomplishing positive environmental and human health impacts while advancing sound land-use practices. Reuse of historically productive properties supports sustainable development trends and promotes community and economic growth. The VTDEC Brownfields Program works to provide developers with tools to help deliver projects in a safe, timely, and cost-effective manner, focusing on three areas: limitation of environmental liability; technical assistance; and financial assistance. Our Brownfields Handbook describes how to navigate a variety of brownfields redevelopment projects.
PHOTO CREDIT: Rendering of the renovated Albany General Store by David Koschak, Cushman Design Group