MONTPELIER, Vt. - Vermont Days is an annual invitation to visitors and Vermonters to explore, for free, Vermont’s excellent fishing, state parks, historic culture, and celebrate the arrival of summer.
On June 8-9, all Vermont State Park day-use areas and all state-owned Historic Sites will be open at no charge. Saturday is free fishing day, the one day of the summer when anyone can fish in Vermont without a license. It’s also a day for history: the Vermont History Museum in Montpelier and the Vermont History Center in Barre will offer free admission on Saturday, June 8.
“Vermont Days is our way to welcome people to the many unique and beautiful experiences offered at Vermont State Historic Sites, Vermont State Parks and fishing access points,” said Vermont Department of Tourism and Marketing Commissioner Wendy Knight. “This weekend invites visitors and residents alike to try something new and discover the cultural and recreational opportunities available at these wonderful destinations.”
Special events around the state on Vermont Days include:
June 8: Free Fishing Day. Ten kids fishing events will be held at various locations throughout the state, including the Grand Isle Fishing festival, where young anglers and families alike will have the chance catch big trout in the hatchery pond.
All weekend: Free fishing equipment is available to borrow at nineteen select Vermont State Parks throughout the state thanks the Reel Fun Fishing loaner program.
June 8: Deep Sky Astronomy Night at the Hubbardton Battlefield State Historic Site, Hubbardton, 9:00 – 11:00pm. Bring a picnic for sunset and stay to explore the wonders of the night sky with the Green Mountain Astronomers.
June 9: Grace Coolidge Musicale #1 at the President Calvin Coolidge State Historic Site, Plymouth, 4:00 – 5:30 PM. The series begins its 14th season with cellist Kate Jensik and pianist Abigail Charbeneau performing the Sonata in E minor by Johannes Brahms.
June 9: Ice Cream Social and Open House at the Senator Justin Morrill State Historic Site, Strafford, 2:00 – 4:00 PM. Join the fun with an ice cream social, live music, free house tours and the chance to mingle with Justin Morrill, as interpreted by David McWilliams.
June 9: Green Mountain Brass Band plays Waterbury Center State Park, 2:00 – 4:00pm. Enjoy live music in a beautiful outdoor setting.
For more information, visit www.vermontdays.com.
About the Vermont Department of Tourism and Marketing
The Department of Tourism and Marketing promotes Vermont’s travel, recreation, cultural and historic attractions, as well as the state’s goods and services, in coordination with public and private sector partners. The department also works to market to a global audience in a manner consistent with the values and traditions of the state for the economic benefit of all Vermonters. Vermont’s tourism sector supports 32,000 local jobs and contributes $2.8 billion in economic activity each year. VermontVacation.com.
About the Vermont Agency of Commerce and Community Development
The Vermont Agency of Commerce and Community Development’s (ACCD) mission is to help Vermonters improve their quality of life and build strong communities. ACCD accomplishes this mission by providing grants, technical assistance, and advocacy through three divisions: The Department of Economic Development, the Department of Tourism and Marketing, and the Department of Housing and Community Development. For more information on ACCD please visit: accd.vermont.gov.