For Immediate Release
Friday, August 28, 2020
Nate Formalarie, Agency of Commerce and Community Development
802-522-7323 | nate.formalarie@vermont.gov
Montpelier, Vt. – Governor Phil Scott and the Agency of Commerce and Community Development (ACCD) today announced that Twin Pines Housing has received $65,000 in grant funding from the State’s Brownfield Initiative to work with Evernorth (formerly Housing Vermont) to remediate the former Tip Top Tire site in Wilder and construct four units of affordable housing.
“I know how critical affordable housing is for families, communities and our economy, so it’s great to see this property will be revitalized as housing for more Vermonters who want to live and work in this community,” said Governor Scott. “We’re pleased to award these funds to Twin Pines and we look forward to supporting them throughout the project.”
The presently empty parcel operated as an automotive service and filling station until the late 1980s, but the structure eventually burned down in 1993. The Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission and the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Brownfield Response Program also contributed to site characterization, initial environmental investigation and a portion of the remediation. The Brownfield Initiative funding will support the removal of PAH, VOC and TPH contaminated soils and other portions of corrective action plan implementation. ACCD’s Revolving Loan Fund was capitalized, in part, by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
“This project is a win-win for the area. In addition to remediating a brownfield site, Twin Pines Housing will be able to create four much-needed new homes that are affordable to low and moderate-income Vermonters,” said Twin Pines Housing Executive Director Andrew Winter.
“The Former Tip Top Tire parcel has been in our clean-up and reuse pipeline for more than a decade. We are pleased to see the site gearing up for remediation and redevelopment,” said Kristie Farnham, Director of Business Support and Brownfield Program Manager.
“The remediation and reuse of the Former Tip Top Tire site is much-anticipated, and DEC is happy to support the revitalization of an underutilized property in Wilder," said Kristi Herzer, Environmental Analyst at DEC.
About Vermont Agency of Commerce and Community Development
The ACCD’s mission is to help Vermonters improve their quality of life and build strong communities. The ACCD is comprised of four Departments: The Department of Economic Development (DED), the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD), the Department of Administration, and the Department of Tourism and Marketing (VDTM). The Agency reports annually to the Legislature on activities and outcomes. For more information on the Vermont ACCD, visit http://accd.vermont.gov/.
About the Brownfields Initiative
ACCD’s brownfields program is funded, in part, through a grant from the EPA Brownfields Program. For more information on redevelopment of a brownfields site, please visit https://accd.vermont.gov/economic-development/funding-incentives/brownfields-initiative.
About VTDEC Brownfields Program
The Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation (VTDEC) encourages brownfield reuse projects as a means of accomplishing positive environmental and human health impacts while advancing sound land-use practices. Reuse of historically productive properties supports sustainable development trends and promotes community and economic growth. The VTDEC Brownfields Program works to provide developers with tools to help deliver projects in a safe, timely, and cost-effective manner, focusing on three areas: limitation of environmental liability; technical assistance; and financial assistance. Our Brownfields Handbook describes how to navigate a variety of brownfields redevelopment projects.