The Vermont Historic Preservation Act was established in 1975 by the Vermont Legislature with the passage of Title 22 V.S.A. Chapter 14: Historic Preservation. The Act requires that state agencies take measures to preserve any historic resources under its ownership. A state agency, department, division or commission must consult the Vermont Advisory Council on Historic Preservation before demolishing, altering or transferring any property that is historical, architectural, archaeological and/or cultural significance, including any property listed in the State and/or National Registers of Historic Places. It is the responsibility of the state agency to initiate consultation with the Division for Historic Preservation and fulfill the requirements of 22 V.S.A. Chapter 14.
For projects that are subject to review under 22 V.S.A., VDHP is a consulting party charged with advising and assisting the state agency in carrying out their statutory responsibilities. Project review consists of evaluating the project's potential impacts to historic buildings and structures, historic districts, historic landscapes and settings, and known or potential archaeological resources. VDHP implements The Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties to evaluate proposed alterations and additional to historic resources to make a determination of effect.
VDHP will review project information submitted directly to our office by a state agency, a recipient of state funding, licenses or permits, or a qualified historic preservation consultant. It is in the applicant's best interest to initiate consultation with VDHP early in the project planning process so comments can be addressed prior to the project completion.
The Vermont Historic Preservation Act is administered by the Vermont Advisory Council on Historic Preservation. The initial project review is coordinated by VDHP staff with the Council reviewing any unresolved adverse effects to historic resources.