Preservation Laws and Regulations
Do you have a project that needs a State or Federal review? If your project is on federal or state land, or is receiving federal or state funds, permits or licenses, your project WILL need to be reviewed by our staff at the Vermont Division for Historic Preservation (VDHP).
Online Resource Center (ORC)
The Online Resource Center (ORC) provides online access to all documents related to historic preservation activities since the late 1960s.
Historic Preservation and Archaeology Consultant Lists
Consultants on the following lists have attended the Annual Consultant Training and are qualified to work in Vermont.
Online Resources for Vermont Architectural History
A list of online resources for maps, photographs, architectural plans, and publications related to Vermont’s architectural history.
Photographic Documentation Requirements for Historic Structures
If your project involves the substantial alteration, relocation, or demolition of a historic resource, you may need to prepare a Historic Resource Documentation Package prior to starting the project.
Researching and Preserving Your Historic Building
Rehabilitating an old building may seem daunting at first, but these resources will guide you.
Burial Sites, Human Remains, and Funerary Objects Policy Statement
The federal Advisory Council on Historic Preservation has developed a policy and statement on burial sites, human remains, and funerary objects. The policy establishes a set of standards and guidelines on the steps necessary to provide burial sites, human remains, and funerary objects the condensation and protection they deserve. The accompanying Statement and Guidance Document provides additional context, guidance, and advice on the interpretation and implementation of the principles of the policy.
Preserving Unmarked Burials
Burials site have special protections. Vermont state law prohibits disturbance of burial sites of any kind, even on private land. This includes unmarked burials as well as those marked with memorial stones.
Predictive Model for Locating Precontact Archaeological Sites
The predictive model is an initial desk review tool as part of an overall evaluation of the archaeological sensitivity of the project area. The predictive model is only a coarse filter that may highlight potential archaeological site areas.
Guidelines for Conducting Archaeology in Vermont
These guidelines should be utilized by consultants when conducting archaeology in Vermont.
Archaeological Investigations on State Lands, State Archaeological Landmarks, or Under State Waters
The Vermont Historic Preservation Act requires permits for exploration and field investigations to be undertaken on state lands, within the boundaries of a designated state archaeological landmark, or under state waters.
Metal Detecting on State-Owned Lands in Vermont
Metal detecting is generally not permitted on state-owned lands or in state waters. State-owned artifacts and the archaeological sites of which they are a part are held in public trust, meaning they are preserved and protected for the public. Opportunities for metal detecting on state-owned lands are restricted to archaeological field investigations under the direction of professional archaeologists granted permits by the Division for Historic Preservation.
Shapefile Templates for Archaeology Projects
This zip file contains five shapefiles with prefigured attribute tables to be used for project submissions as outlined in Appendix I of the Guidelines for Conducting Archaeology in Vermont.
Digging into Archaeology
Vermont has a remarkably rich and diverse archaeological heritage spanning nearly 13,000 years of human history.
Criteria for Evaluating the Effect of Proposed Telecommunication Facilities, Transmission Lines, and Wind Power Facilities on Historic Resources
The installation of telecommunications facilities, transmission lines, wind power facilities and other similar projects may affect historic resources directly and indirectly.