One lesson learned after Tropical Storm Irene was that the State and our partners in disaster response and recovery needed a consistent way to assess damage and impact to businesses, farms and cultural and historic resources and a centralized location for the information. Such a system would allow for a more collaborative and strategic response and the ability to communicate with those impacted as new assistance programs became available. It would allow us to pinpoint the types of assistance that was needed and ensure that all those impacted were offered support.
Working with our partners at the Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets, the Division of Emergency Management & Homeland Security and organizations outside state government, the Agency of Commerce and Community Development has developed an online system where damage assessment information can be collected, referrals for assistance made and follow up and alerts provided.
The system will be activated in the case of a significant regional or state-wide incident. When such an incident occurs, our partners will have access to the online database and can assist you if you are a business, farm or have cultural or historic resources that were impacted.
If a disaster has been declared in your area, access the BACH-DA online system.
Printable version of the Business, Agricultural, Historic & Cultural Assessment Form (pdf) Please note we encourage you to fill this out online.
If you are an individual with home damage in need of assistance after a disaster, please contact your town official.
Below are resources that can provide guidance on preparing for a disaster and how best to respond during an emergency:
Preparing for a Disaster:
Craft Emergency Relief Fund is a national non-profit based in Vermont. They have developed resources for the arts community to help in preparedness and response. While focused on the arts community, their Studio Protector: The Artist’s Guide to Emergencies could be used by any business to help them be both disaster ready and disaster resilient. Click here for more information on how you can obtain the Studio Protector.
Recovering After a Disaster:
Vermont Small Business Development Center (VtSBDC) has developed a 72-page bound workbook containing all the steps needed post-disaster to create the most successful and sustainable outcome for Vermont’s businesses. If you are a business owner who has experienced a disaster please click here to receive your copy.
Division of Emergency Managment & Homeland Security (DEMHS) for information on specific events and emergency protocols.