Local, state and federal partners explored policy changes to safeguard residents from future flooding after Tropical Storm Irene, starting with a pilot in the Mad River Watershed, with help from the EPA’s Smart Growth Implementation Assistance (SGIA) program.
Based on the SGIA project in Vermont, the EPA issued Planning for Flood Recovery and Long-Term Resilience in Vermont: Smart Growth Approaches for Disaster-Resilient Communities and the Flood Resilience Checklist (pdf) in 2014.
Flood Resilience Checklist for Vermont Municipalities (2016) - An updated checklist customized for Vermont communities by DHCD, ANR and the regional planning commissions.
More resources on planning for future flooding in Vermont are available here and at Flood Ready Vermont.
Vermont State Agency Policy Options (2014) – Recommendations for improving state agencies' disaster recovery and long term flood resilience, funded by FEMA as part of the SGIA project.