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Multiunit Dwelling Electric Vehicle Charging Grant

The Multiunit Dwelling Electric Vehicle Charging Grant Program is designed to identify and incentivize the installation of electric vehicle charging solutions the provide convenient, reliable, and affordable access to home charging for residents of multi-unit housing.

New Funding Opportunity

The Charge Vermont launched July 6, 2023. The program provides incentives for installing EV charging that will increase Vermonters’ access to charging at  workplaces, multiunit homes, and community attractions. For more information visit the program's website (link).

For more information on new EV charging incentives for multiunit properties, visit the Vermont Community Electric Vehicle Chargers Incentive Program website.

Spring 2022 Pilot Program Description
In 2022, the legislature appropriated $1,000,000 in funding to pilot a program to incentivize the installation of charging stations at multi-unit dwelling affordable housing units, making EV home charging access more equitable and affordable for residents in multiunit housing.

The program recently awarded 13 project proposals from affordable and non-profit multiunit housing providers across 8 counties. These projects will result in 84 new Level 2 charging ports at 37 locations, reducing the home charging access barrier to EV ownership for 6,230 homes in affordable multifamily buildings.

Spring 2022 Pilot Program Documents
The full program description can be found here.

Grants up to $80,000 per site, $300,000 per applicant will be awarded, with priority for grant awards given to affordable housing.
The program application can be found 
here.  Applications were due April 1, 2022.
A recording of the informational webinar on the program can be found 
Slides from the webinar can be found 

State Funded EVSE 2014-2022

Resources for Program Applicants

Project Planning Resources