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Community Development

July 10, 2023

$20,000 goal to receive a 2:1 matching grant through DHCD’s Better Places Program

July 6, 2023

Program will make electric transportation more equitable and accessible for Vermonters

July 5, 2023

$5,500 goal to receive a 2:1 matching grant through DHCD’s Better Places Program

May 25, 2023

New toolkit will be developed for small-scale home builders, investors & community leaders to help increase affordable housing supply and train a new generation to build the housing Vermont needs.

May 16, 2023

$3,250 goal to receive a 2:1 matching grant through DHCD’s Better Places program

May 8, 2023

$10,300 goal to receive a 2:1 matching grant through DHCD’s Better Places program

May 5, 2023

Over $1 million in Downtown Transportation Fund grants awarded.

May 1, 2023

$10,000 goal to receive a 2:1 matching grant through DHCD’s Better Places program.

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